Friday, July 23, 2010


Hey, It's me!

Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna thro------ wait, that's not my writing, unfortunately for you. Well anyway, I did nothing today, well, I made plans for sunday but that isn't exactly getting me anywhere for today. There was some intense xboxing, and I watched 10 Things I Hate About You but thats all.

So I've been feeling pretty great lately, probably due to the fact that I'm totally awesome and lost like 5kg on holidays, which I think is a fair effort for two weeks. My hair cut I'm also really happy with right now, considering keeping it this length permanantly. I really wish I had something to write about now, but there's been no drama at all, just happiness.

Music! So this is all I have to talk about. Lately I've been really into a few bands, which are...

Boys Like Girls
Mayday Parade
The Maine
The Starting Line
A Day To Remember

So yeah, they're all really awesome.That isn't in order of who I like the most or anything like that, they're all amazing and you guys out there should check them out and get into them if you aren't already.

Goodbye for now, take care world.

All I Want - Emery, check it out!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Mall.

Hello everyone.

Today I was pretty fucked, I hadn't had any sleep at all and had to set off for a semi-busy day. Terrible already, but so much fun. Some parts of the day I was falling asleep, some I was wide awake. First off I went to some soccer pitches to kick a ball around with my brother and some of his friends... Fun? A little. Secondly I had an appointment to go to... Uneventful. Thirdly I went to some music stores looking for some CDs but of course nobody had what I was looking for.

So this morning was like really really good, I had a shower and for some reason felt really really awesome, like perfection. Not to be up myself or anything but, I was pretty much Jesus. Maybe it was just me being overtired, but something is telling me I was amazing this morning.

So I don't really feel like writing much today cause I'm dying to get to bed so byebye take care.

Inside Of You - The Maine, everyone should look it up, it's their single for the new album.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Totally Here.

Heya, so...

I'm totally not gonna skip writing these blogs for a while... damn holidays screwed up my blog writing, but they're over now... which is a little upsetting. OK! I'm very happy, holidays were just the thing I needed, the world is really a beautiful place and I didn't really get that by staying home all the time. But now I understand, and I don't have to go out to look at it again any time soon ;)

♫ Ho ho hopefully this holiday will make us believe that we're exactly where we're supposed to be. ♫

Life is great right now, but I probably change my opinion on life on an hourly basis... I think I want to do something along the lines of music for my future. I keep thinking about where my life is going and I can't be happy unless I see it going there. Well anyway rawr.

Strange voice: Who wants a girlfriend?
               Me: Oh, me... pick me!!
If only it was that easy? Well I'm sure for some people it is, but for me... not quite. That all seemed very pointless to say, but it sure means a whole lot to me :) Everyone needs somebody to love.

Byebye? For now anyway... Until tomorrow.

Taking Apart A Gigantic Machine - The Main Drag, is amazing.