Friday, July 30, 2010

Three, Two, One, Powerdown.


I totally went and saw Inception today! It was shit. No, just kidding, kind of. It was pretty interesting but I had other things on my mind, like rolling up my sleeves and playing with my shoes. I could not pay attention in that movie for the life of me. Okay, seriously I think that everyone should go see it, I'm not going to say it was the most amazing movie ever but it was thought provoking and interesting.

I'm really feeling that need for a good ol' cuddle right now. :) Any takers? Anyway, I was thinking tonight that I should really be thinking about what I'm going to do with myself, in terms of school and all of that stuff. I wish I wasn't having so much fun doing nothing, because I really don't want all this to stop, if my life was to be this way forever, I would be happy. That's really unrealistic though, unfortunately.

I am still painting flowers for you. (L)

Night night.

Monument - A Day To Remember.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

D to the i c k, I mean Willie....

Daniel-fucking-Willie, best man on earth.

Ok, so if you ever need anything done, anything at all, he's your man. I've seen him do amazing things, from eating twice his body weight in food, to stopping a train with his bear (yes, bear, not bare.) hands. I know you will all have a little trouble accepting this but, he even punched out Chuck Norris. He is so perfect it's even rumoured that he is Jesus himself, he also wrote The Holy Bible, and various other religious texts. Despite being such a huge deal, he's very modest about it all.

Alright, enough of that, I don't really have much to say to everyone but I do hope you're all happy. :) Smiling is always fun, and it makes others happy, so do it more often.

Rawr, nightnight.

Check out some Tokio Hotel songs, it really isn't a band that everyone could get into, but some people should surely like it.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

In Color.

Hey all, it's me here :)

Well today was pretty cool, I was sore all over my arms. :( But whatever, thats not too much of a problem. I just relaxed and watched a few movies, nothing even worth a mention though. I played Halo 3 with a couple mates towards the end of the night which passed a little time, fair raped that. My friend has been totally ignoring me lately too, I havn't heard from her in around two weeks, but I guess thats all her issue.

I was thinking, which I do a whole lot of, I was thinking about black and white. Do you know how boring black and white is? I swear, it drives me insane, not being able to see colors and shades. So then I went on to think about how awful it might be to be blind. Well, that's actually kind of where I started thinking even more. If you were blind from birth, would you even hate that you can't see color? What would the words red, blue, green, yellow even mean to you? Confusion I guess?

Well that all made me feel pretty happy I guess, the only problem I have with my eyes is that I'm short sighted. Well, my point is that some things that just pass through your mind that you don't think about, like color, even black and white, are really amazing things.

Goodbye I guess, Love you all.

Not Now - Blink 182.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Well... Hey, I Don't Know A Good Title.

Hey, today was pretty cool guys. Ok, first off I watched a couple movies, The Last Song and The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus. Both pretty cool, The Last Song was suprisingly good, a little sad at times though, enough to draw out a tear or two. More importantly, today I joined a gym with a friend, which I think is probably the best move I've personally made in a while.

There really hasn't been much going on in my life that is really major enough to need a mention. I've been happy just doing whatever there is to do, appointments, music, friends. It's all been pretty good but not nearly productive, which if I leave it too long is really going to become a problem.

So this gym thing, I've been thinking about how it will be really good for me, but not only for physical fitness reasons but also it will give me a bit of routine. Having that thing you do on certain days that just fills in that little bit of time so you don't find yourself doing nothing on those uneventful days.

Finding that balance between things you have to do as routine and keeping free time for friends, family, school, work and all of those things is starting to seem really important to me. Nobody wants to have too much time on their hands, that can get extremely boring but on the other hand. Nobody wants to have to keep blowing off their friends and family because they have too many places to be.

For everyone who doesn't have this type of thing, which most adults would I imagine. So just for the kids I guess, think about finding that thing you do, may it be sports, youth groups, or even work.

Bye for now everyone.

A Hole In The World - Thursday, it sounds really nice. :)

Christmas In July!

Alrighty. So here's a good one.

Today I went to a lunch with my friend, it was some 'christmas in July' event going on. So I thought it couldn't hurt to go, it's a free lunch, I'll meet some people, kill some time. Everyone there was amazing, nice, funny, great to be around. It just hit me really hard when I was thinking, I don't have that much fun with my friends, my friends don't feel as close to me as a bunch of people I hardly know.

Direction is one of the most important things in life, knowing where you are and where you're going. Where are you going, maybe more importantly, who are you going with? Do you love these people, are they the people you want to make memories with?

You have to know who you want to be with, having the right people in your life will make a massive difference, an unbelievable difference maybe. You have to know that you're friends are strong people, smart people, respectable people. A great friend is someone who knows what they value, if you have friends that don't then who's to say one day when they make their mind up that you'll be one of the things they value?

Right now, I don't know where my life is going, I'm 16 years old and have time. For now, I want to find the people that I'd like to bring with me wherever I go, people that can help me get there, encourage me to get there. Have you surrounded yourself with these people?

Take care, take time to think.

Black And White - The Maine, that's an album not a song... I can't stress enough how amazing it is.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Rawr, everyone knows what they think is the 'perfect' girl. Or guy??? Well anyway, I'm pretty sure I know exactly what I'd love, She is...

Smart, almost geekish, but not quite. She should be able to tell me she loves me with a simple look. I want someone I can talk to, and the other way around too. She has to be able to talk to me and she needs to be comfortable in knowing that anything she tells me stays with me, I'd never tell a secret that isn't mine. Funny, a great sense of humour is a really big thing, I think this is one thing that everyone appreciates, someone with a similar sense of humour, being able to make me laugh, smile and have fun is really important. She tells me if there's a problem, everyone knows that one girl who instead of being straight forward with you is just bitchy, to act as some sort of hint? That is one of the worst things I can think of, tell me what the problem is, that way we can work through it.

Brunette, I personally love long brown hair, slightly curly but not too much, wavy? Fringes are nice, they have to be parted though. Side parts, cool... middle parts, not so cool. Eyes are a really big deal, blue... I love really light blue eyes, they amaze me. Totally not to be racist or anything but I really only find white people attractive. Kind of short, not too short though... short is cute. She's sexy not slutty, which there is a pretty small difference between, but a difference that matters. Smiling with teeth is always pretty awesome, and it's the kind of thing that makes me happy to see. I love a smile that can just light up the room.

Loves music, similar taste to mine would be amazing. Also having some of her own favourites that I don't like too much, being the same would be like dating myself and that can only be so exciting. She can enjoy silence, just being with her is enough to make her happy, not to sound like I think I'm all that and more but I'd love just being with eachother, sitting with eachother, being enough to make us both happy for a while. Awesome hugs, you know? Holding eachother really really tight, not for like 2 seconds, but for minutes at a time.

She's everything I could ask for, probably everything I won't end up with... but I can hope a little right? She's the girl I love, and always will, wherever she is and whoever she is. I think she's amazing, perfect, beautiful inside and out. I'd do anything for her, I am in love with her.

That's all I guess, goodnight and I hope there are some people out there who have their special someone.

You Can Breathe - Jack's Mannequin.